Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 5

Well it's Day 5 of my unemployment and so far so good.  I've reached out to many contacts looking for my next big break, started a blog AND will be going to the gym to hit up one of my favorite classes.  Ultimate Conditioning!  It's with Irena this amazing German instructor.  It's THE hardest class on the planet.  Lots of weights and lunges, lots of screaming (mostly from Irena) and lots of loud european techno.  Amazing.  And to get my design fix I worked on the rsvp cards for my brother's wedding invitations.  They're looking really good if I do say so myself.

When it comes to eating healthy I find it so much easier to eat healthy and keep the calories down when I'm working at home.  I'm so much less hungry than when I work in an office so naturally I consume less.  But I also make better choices because I'm not tempted to run to the deli and get a bag of pretzels or my favorite mid day treat...Ferrero Rocher.  Sooooo tasty yet soooo bad for my fupa and bat wings.

If Irena doesn't kill me I plan on going to pilates tomorrow morning.  I'll let you know how that works out.

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